
Yellow Chalkboard Paint

It's a beautiful evening here and I've been busy. It's Halloween and this year lots of little ones have 'come a knocking'.

Today I spent most of my day trying to make chalk paint and my paint making experiment was a success thankfully......I'm painting an old outside table that was ready for the dump. But it's too near Christmas, I can't afford another outside table so I'm painting this one. How many tables have I bought over the years? So many have ended up ruined as it gets really windy in my patch of paradise....If you leave the shade umbrella up, the whole table becomes airborne, tips up, and comes crashing back down and breaks!

I've now jazzed up my broken outdoor table with chalk paint....Here is the recipe I used for making  my 'mellow yellow' chalk paint:

All ready to start, water jug, plaster, paint and clean brush...
The plaster to paint ratio is : 1 cup Plaster of Paris,
1 cup paint (water based)
Plaster of Paris tipped straight into the plastic container...
Then add one cup of paint (water based) to the mix
of dry plaster
Use the amount of water needed for the right paint thickness...
Mix all in a container, I used an ice-cream one...
Mix altogether stirring well with a spatula or flat stick
Looks just like a thick custard!
I just painted straight on to the washed table...
Not finished I need a few more coats...

Making a Box Cushion the Easy Way

I've put this project off for ages and I've spent so much time procrastinating.  How am I going to cover this square sponge foam? It's for the girls, so the older one can sit at the table at her place. Of course I volunteered to sew and cover it, I'm the sewer in the family...Then I panicked and thought 'how am I going to do this with oilcloth?'....I've never made a square box cushion cover with oilcloth before and I knew it was going to be a tricky sew....

Fabric: About 1/2 metre of Oilcloth

In the end I chose this tutorial to follow: Floor Cushions

Other Box Cushion Tutorials (I considered):
Square Tufted Floor Pillows
Perfectly Portable Cushion
Boxed Cushion Sewing
Patchwork Floor Pillow

I thought I had this sussed! I wound a rubber band
around my Bernina 801 machine foot so the
glue would  really stick. UHU glue fixes
 everything right? No it doesn't, the plastic
 was still lifting!
Finally I finished it...What an effort!
I'm thankful I made the easier version. Never
again will I try this with oil cloth...
'Trouble is a friend! He was a total nuisance, he ate the
 Dacron stuffing, he knocked over my sewing box
and started eating the sewing machine chord..and
 out of spite he then sunk his sharp teeth into my
oil cloth sewing box.  Now it has two puncture
holes :(