
Remembering Anzac Day 2020

I got carried away with the poppy...I got the petals wrong but
you can't see :)
Teddy ready for the 6am start (Anzac Day in lockdown)

Juki MO-623

Had to re-thread got it all wrong so used video link below. Not
much out there for this wee machine. Goes well now it was my
How to thread the JUKI MO-623

Jigsaw Stalemate

Four weeks and it's not finished. Since lockdown I've lost my
mojo for jigsaws!

Teddy's Pants & Bow

Not sure how many days it is now maybe twenty? One day seems much the same as the next...
Used up the scraps of fabric and made Teddy number 2 some pants.
 Teddy number 2 sitting on my sack cushion I sewed up for summer.

Finally This Bear Has Pants

His feet are so clean, I took him out of the window to make him pants.
His little bow tie is  bit small but his pants fitted perfect.
Pants pattern here.

A Bowl full of Masks

A bowl full of face masks by the door in case they are needed.

Easter Monday

Forgot this one
Sultana scones to freeze
Just one Lockdown Pikelet. Recipe on another post.
Half to eat and half for the freezer...

Face Masks With Ted

Teddy lived with the girls for awhile. He came back a bit broken, I didn't have the heart to give him away with his funny wonky eyes. So Ted became a sewing model, here he is wearing all the masks we made today.
Ted wearing a new mask

This one has a nose wire too.

And here we have Miss Nosey who has just been out for a walk.

Looking flash wearing the mask on her head.

Masked Teddy Bear

This one fitted Ted the best. I used a softer stiffening and added
a wire for the nose part. Just made a casing to put this in.

Pierogi New Zealand Style

Agria potatoes and Cottage Cheese
 Usually I use a Pierogi mould not this time!

All poached and ready for the freezer we made
about sixty just in case we run out of food.

More Face Masks

100% cotton used same pattern in other post.
Used Quilting fabric on both sides this time
Has 3 layers so reasonably thick, you can breath though.

Wrong side using up whatever I can find.

Made these two to give away.

Sewing Another Face Mask

Mask pattern's here.

Sewing on the 801 because I like it's really narrow arm and sewing
 space. Plus it's very easy to change cotton and feet. 

Lining inside

Sitting under the Silk tree where 'Peep' our visiting
PÄ«wakawaka  (Fantail) perches on the branches..
Finished face mask. Fabric is 100% cotton, design Fantail...
A PÄ«wakawaka
The 'Silk Tree' 

Peep's branches, no he's not there this evening. 

Bernina 1008 Better Tension Now

Threaded it with better thread. I already changed the needle

Top stitching is okay set about 4

Underneath stitching is okay! I fixed it by releasing the screw
 on the bobbin holder. Seems to have done the trick.

Cats in Lockdown

Just the same lazy by day, and nutty at night!
There is something about white cats...
Lockdown, well that just means I canjust demand more food 
when someone enters the kitchen...

Never give up on a Bernina 801

So much time on my hands so I pulled apart the 801
 This is what I found...I unpicked the threads. It took awhile no
wonder the machine seemed a bit off for many many years.
 Vodka (for cleaning), snips, eyebrow tweezers, Isypropyl,
  brush, and compressed air did the job.
Here she is humming away she lives to sew once more :)

Everyday is Easter in a Lockdown

Lockdown bunny why are you looking at me? It's not
Easter yet...

Lockdown Sewing Bernina 1008

Why is this happening? I've changed the needle and bobbin and
the 1008 is not going so well. Give me back my 801!

A Day in The Life of Teddy

An upside down day for Teddy.
Waiting for the children to go by