
Time to let go

What do you do when you've got no spare dollars to buy a dress up outfit for school?....You go through all the stuff you haven't been able to let go one white dress shirt from the early 70's (broke my heart to cut it up). The Great Babcia's old scarf......that got the chop too. It was a very pretty colourful scarf but I never wore it,  I just kept it........

It was goodbye to a red and white cotton stripped table cloth that I sewed years ago......I especially designed it for the outside wooden table. It even had a carefully bound hole in it for the umbrella. Except we have no umbrella or table now......Someone left it up all summer and a gust of wind lifted the umbrella up and tipped the table over and smashed all the wood....That was the end of that so the table cloth was given the chop (I did wonder if it might have been useful in the future)....... All of these items were cut up and sewn into a pirate outfit for a little boy to wear to school.

I needed a waistcoat I searched the net until I found one on this great blog here. You can find the download pattern on the Frontier Vest Tutorial....I had some brown suede type fabric, in fact metres of it stashed away for a jacket that never got made. I cut that up into a vest but I and didn't bind it like in the tutorial..

One very proud school boy put on his pirate outfit already for a day of fun at school....knowing the shirt was his Grandads from long ago and the scarf once belonged to his his great Babcia.

The download pattern used for the vest
I cut off the cuffs on the shirt added lace
and elastic to the sleeve....
The legs of pants I ripped and washed to fray....
The pants legs were meant to  be straight
to tuck into black boots
Except I forgot he had none

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