
Easy Cushion Covers

I've finally made the two cushion covers I promised to make ages ago (yes I'm starting to make a dent in my sewing pile). The material I used was a curtain fabric bought on sale many moons ago!. The cushion slips worked out okay, but would have sat much better if the material hadn't been thermal lined (a little bit heavy).  But never mind they will wear well......The colour is rather pretty and the pics don't do it justice (it looks much nicer in real time). The fabric is a patterned satin, a deep rich wine colour......

To make these, it's really very easy. I cut a 21" square using newspaper as my pattern (you can make them any size you want). Next just add a few extra inches ( I just guess) to the back pattern. This makes a rectangle which is for the overlap of the back cover (you cut this in half).  When sewing the two back pieces, overlock the raw edges then stitch. This makes the envelope opening. Next you match the back to the front to make a square, sew and turn and press. Then top stitch in about 1 1/2"s around the finished cushion. Next stuff with a cushion inner of your choice and there you have it a simple removable cushion cover!.

They looked fab in the house they went to......
The back of the cushion cover.........


  1. they look lovely! Im thinking about making some cushions for my place but since me and other half disagree a lot on taste Its hard to get motivation to make it.

  2. Thanks both of you for your lovely comments. I take the easy option when making cushions I haven't the patience to do the fancy day!
