
Fancy Fresh Cabbage Soup?

Yuk you may say! I must admit I say 'yuk' when someone suggests cabbage soup....Where would we be without cabbage soup? Wasn't it Liz Hurley who ate Cabbage Soup or was it Watercress Soup to keep her slim figure? I read that somewhere....Cabbage Soup has it's place, but I much prefer coleslaw.......

The Cabbage Soup recipe I use is from the Culinary Arts Institute Polish Cookbook......Today I changed the recipe slightly as I had no bacon so I used ham instead which was a nice change! I didn't have any celery either so I just left it out.......

Was my soup a success? Yes it was (I must have done something right) it has to be the ham, I used 'Honey baked premium ham' and the soup tasted so good!
1 cabbage or half a cabbage I used half. Chop the
cabbage up, sometimes I use a slicer but today I
used a knife...
Fry about 4 slices of bacon or ham then add
2 sliced carrots, 2 sliced potatoes, add 1 stalk
 of celery, then cabbage to saute until tender.
Ready now to add seasonings of...
 ....salt and pepper. I add lots of ground
white pepper too...
Add water to the pot to cover all the veges about
1 1/2 quarts...
I added a bit more water and covered the pot
 and to let it cook
When  the soup is ready add 2TB flour to 2TB melted
 butter to thicken soup slightly...I think it's supposed
 to be softened butter not melted. But I melt it.....
Blend it all together...
Then add flour/butter to soup, let the soup cook down
a little bit with out the lid...Now it is ready!
You can serve Cabbage Soup with Dumplings or just
eat it as it is....


  1. This cabbage soup looks delicious. Is it better with bacon or ham?

  2. Hi Thanks, I'd say the ham is better it just depends on what you like best...
