
A 5.2 Day

Crazy day today, I spent some time organising myself to make my pin cushion....But I got myself side tracked (which is not hard for me to do) and sewed up some stuff for a school project. Then because I was too early for the school pick up I found myself parked on a hill in the car playing games...

All was wonderful and peaceful with my me time until I started bumping about..... It's strange how your brain takes a while to register what is happening, you know that feeling but it takes a few seconds to realize it's an earthquake. This is the biggest shock we have had for awhile as it's been quiet here until recently. This is the first time I've experienced an earthquake in the car parked on a hill...weird feeling.

Tomorrow seriously I am going to get stuck in to making my pin cushion I have the day to myself so I can sew...


  1. Hope all is well. Eeeeh an earthquake sounds very scary.. Take care..
    I too...need to get my pincushion things together.. I have been playing with some. But not finished my special one.ha

  2. Thanks all is well here EQ's are a way of life for us at this's gone quiet now, not sure if that's good or bad. My pin cushion I have sewing many times to just get it right because I keep making mistakes....I'm not very good at these! I've gone back to basics LOL

  3. Glad to know all is well.mi would be quite scared x

  4. Thanks, yes you do get scared especially the big ones, your 'fight or flight' response kicks and you just function because you have too...
