
Making A Hatoto Cloth Bag

The bag pattern I used for my bag was the Hatoto Bag pattern from Yoshimi The Flying Squirrel. Here are my efforts, the fabric I used was a curtain fabric for the outside, and a patterned cotton for the inside (All from my stash). I haven't given any instructions as there were none with a the PDF that I could see. Though if you have made bags before this will be easy....not much can go wrong.

Getting ready to cut out....
Cutting a square for making the
 bottom of the bag
Making a strap to hang keys off...
Sewing the outside of the bag....This
fabric frays so easily 
Sewing the lining to the fabric top inside
Lining all ready to insert..and turn.
Quality control checking the seams...
Inside the bag the key strap ison the left..
I have a wee orange bag hanging off it.
All finished... not the best pic wrong time of day!
It's a very handy sized bag...thanks Yoshimi.


  1. Your bag looks great! Good idea to put a key strap inside...

  2. Thanks Pam I'm always rummaging around in my bag for keys LOL ..hence the strap!
