
It's Snowing

It is very cold, no snow play for me, it's just too freezing outside.  Last time it snowed the spouting came off so I'm hoping it stays there this time......
The beginnings of a snowman...only the dog would help him!


  1. Brrrr,I am so Not missing the snow right now! Stay warm.

    1. Yes it was so cold most of it is melted now it's not the usual for us to have snow...

  2. The snow is soooo pretty .but looks coooooooooold!!
    Hard to imagine snow right now.. We are at 90 and humid.. ha

    Have a great day.

  3. The snow was pretty but it turned to ice this time so it was harder to walk on ....that is so hot we don't get that high in temperature, I'd faint LOL

    1. I sometimes feel like I'm gonna faint too.ha I live in USA , in Missisippi.. We rarely get snow, maybe once a year, and it is not that much..But we are completely out of If I tried to drive in it , I would kill myself or someone
      In 1994 , we had an ice storm hit us. We were with out electricity for 24 days..It was a nightmare.. First time, I had ever been in one, and I pray the last time. No one had the essentials and was not prepared for it.. So getting supplies [like candles, oil for lamps, etc] were sold out immediately.. It was awful. It took days for the stores to even open up...
