
A Summer Skirt

I'm de-stashing my stash....Wasn't I supposed to do it last year? Never mind it will have to be a five year plan I don't think I will ever get to the bottom of it.

Skirt Pattern: New Look 6035
Size: 14
Fabric: Cotton print
Zip: 7"

This is a fairly straight forward sewing project.....except I didn't read the pattern right and went off on my own sewing tangent. Then I noticed the skirt had a band not a turn down facing. So I had to unpick my zip and start again.

I ended up chucking my zip out as it didn't slide easily.Who wants to unpick and fix the zip once the skirt is made? Not me! I found another red zip in my stash but it was far too long so I shortened it.

Mostly all my sewing went well, but it would have been better if I had just cut the fabric to size instead of adding inches to the side seams. Because the skirt became way too big and I had to fit the skirt back to a size 14...

Because the fabric is bold and bright
you can't see the design of the skirt
that clearly
The Style D A-frame skirt does look very slimming on.
I sewed the hem by hand...
A closer look at the band...New Look 6035


  1. Love your new skirt, I have made this pattern too.. Really fun to wear, and easy to make.. Good luck on destashing ..

    1. Thanks I bet I stop destashing soon LOL. Have you a pic of your skirt on your blog? I'll check it out. It's not a bad style very nice...

  2. What a great match job you did. Love the fabric and the sandals are really cute too!

  3. Thanks Ronda. That's my daughter's shoes they are just about to give up. The skirt will last longer than them so she'll have to buy some more to match...
