
What's in my Cover-pro Accessory Box?

In the Accessory box there is:
* Needles (Schmetz EL X 705), 2X80/12, 3 X90/14
* 1 large Screwdriver
* 1 Screwdriver small
* Tweezers
* Spool holder caps
* Nets
* Lint Brush
* A needle threader
* Attachment screws for other accessories, like a binder

Messy I know, but that's me,
always in a creative mess...

I keep all my extra Janome CoverPro 1000CP feet in the accessory box too. I'm rather guilty of not using the nets or the spool holders and I can't live without the needle clamp screwdriver to get my needles out. The needles I believe come in two sizes per packet (EL 80/12 & EL 90/14). Mine are 90/14 and there is also a sticker on the machine that states to use only these types of needles too...

I wonder why I have only one needle in here?
I bet I have two different ones in the machine.. 

I see 'Organ' do a brand too but I am yet to try them...I hope this all helps those who have not got the accessory box for their Janome CoverPro.

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