
The Almond King

Today I'm making the 'Almond King's Crown' It's a little bit of craziness in my house... Perhaps your wondering how the Almond King came about?

A couple of Christmases ago my daughter decided to put an almond in the Pavlova she was making. The person who found the almond nut in their slice of Pavlova was the Almond King for the day. Except there were no rules in place and we just made everything up as we went along. But now there are too many creative minds at the Christmas table so there are moments of madness when our imagination runs wild...

Really you don't know all the trouble one almond has caused...When the last Pavlova was baked the cook saw the almond and then diverted the piece of Pavlova to someone else. In the meantime the young man saw it too and was so upset....Luckily the girls were too young to notice.

This year we'll have some order because a special crown has been made for the 'Almond King'. Here it is...

The Almond King's Crown  
A basic zig-zag crown

1/2 metre of felt in contrasting colours
Thread for top-stitching
Fake jewels, buttons, scraps felt
Gorilla glue or UHU
Iron-on stiffening
Scissors, or rotary cutter
Hack saw (small)
Sewing Machine

To Make:
Basically you make your own template on paper to the size and height you want. This is an adult crown but because it's made out of felt it tucks nicely behind the children's ears and stays on their heads  okay...I didn't want to have an expanding strap at the back. But this is an option you could just make a half crown with wide covered elastic at the back.

I wanted to trim the bottom with fur but left it plain time!

Cut out a crown shape. Use the template have you made.
You'll need to cut two one pieces of felt.
Also chose some jewels to glue onto the
Trace onto stiffening by tracing around the cut crown. Then
cut out the shape

Press the iron on stiffening to
the inner yellow part of the crown. Use a hot iron
Trim to make everything  up to make even. In
the end I used sharp scissors..I need a license
 to use a rotary cutter...
Attaching the centre decoration to  the other side of the buckle.
This jewel represents the almond... 
Cutting the shanks off the buttons ready to glue on.
Use a hack saw blade or in my case I'm using
 a coping saw. I've also top-stitched the two
 pieces of felt leaving back open. Sew On the
felt shapes..
Now top-stitch the back seam through all
layers. Finally decorate and embellish
over  the seam line
The finished crown showing the
inside back seam. 

The Almond King's Crown
Sew Sister

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