
At the Beach

I'm actually sewing, I'm just waiting for the iron to heat up and have been totally side tracked :)

Containers to protect the road from any rock fall caused
by the Earthquake. Dogs are only allowed on this
 part of the beach...
Houses still up the hill damaged and not removed yet.
In fact not a lots happened...
Shag Rock in the distance...
What was once Shag Rock is now no more...
The earthquake damaged it..
The other side of the beach and as a child I decided
to wade over to the rocks. I fell into a deep pot hole
and almost drowned. I saw the light at the end of a
 tunnel music, everything. Then my dad pulled
 me out...
On the other side is  South Brighton beach too dangerous to
wade over there....
And who vomited in the car on the way home...

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